Let’s Talk Numbers
Years of Experience
Annual Value Added
60 Million +
Meters of Textiles Sold

Foundation of Duek Keum Company
Duek Keum Co., Ltd. Founded & Registered (Textiles Wholesaler)
Foundation of Duek Keum Industry
Duek Keum Industry Co., Ltd Founded & Registered (Direct Coating Manufacturer)
The First $5M
Landmark Annual Sales Recognized by the Minister of Trade & Industry
Opening of Moscow Office
First international office of DK company in Moscow, Russia
Opening of Łódź Office
Second international office of DK company in Lodz, Poland
$10M Reached
Landmark Annual Sales Recognized by the Minister of Trade & Industry
Received Presidential Honors
Awarded for excellece and service to the national economy
Opening of Minsk Office
Third international office of DK company in Minsk, Belarus
Received Ministerial Honors
Awarded for excellece and service to the national trade
Foundation of Duek Keum T&C Co., Ltd
Duek Keum T&C Co., Ltd Founded & Registered (Transfer Coating / Laminating)
Opening of Kyiv Office
Fourth international office of DK company in Kyiv, Ukraine
Opening of Novosibirsk Office
Fifth international office of DK company in Novosibirsk, Russia
Opening of Shaoxing Office
Sixth international office of DK company in Shaoxing, China
Expansion of Duek Keum T&C Co., Ltd
New facilities for Hotmelt Lamination, Ciré, etc
Duek Keum T&C ISO 14001 Certified
Duek Keum T&C Co., Ltd Received Certification
Duek Keum T&C ISO 9001 Certified
Duek Keum T&C Co., Ltd Received Certification
Duek Keum T&C Global Recycle Standard Certified
Duek Keum T&C Co., Ltd Received GRS Certification
Recognized by the Chamber of Commerce
Awarded for excellence and service to global trade